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The No Apologies Podcast: Election Night is Over - What Now?
Ian revisits the looming danger of court packing and shares a few different ways to prepare for a Biden presidency if Trump doesn't prevail.

Renouncing the Faith One Compromise at a Time
Instead of direct confrontation, our current culture uses redefinitions and social pressure to encourage compliance in ways that seem small.

The Staseos Podcast: Samaire Armstrong Speaks Out
Actress Samaire Armstrong found herself swept up in BLM activism this summer before she realized the organization's true purpose.

Introducing The Staseos YouTube Channel
Editor-in-Chief Carmen Schober discusses the Staseos vision for strengthening Christians in the midst of weak American church leadership.

Eschatology is Geopolitical
Pietistic and quietistic eschatologies wrongly assume that the Bible is an apolitical book. Daniel and Revelation say otherwise.

When Sheep Become Ostriches
How do you plan to lose your life for Christ's sake inside your conflict-free sanctuary?

Attacks on ACB Prove Feminism is not about Fairness
Amy Coney Barrett's success is a constant visible reminder that feminism has failed women.

After Ginsburg's Death, a Coup is a Realistic Possibility
The more people clearly understand that Court packing is a coup, the less viable a strategy it will become.

The Staseos Podcast: Court-Packing Will Kill the Constitution
Democrats' openly endorsed court-packing strategy would effectively destroy Americans' constitutional rights. Find out why.

A Response to Tim Keller on "Demonizing Language"
Keller has done many great things for Christians in the twenty-first century, but he's missing the mark on cultural engagement.

Taking the Red Pill on the Rapture
John Nelson Darby and his followers have glued together an unbiblical event. Yet Darbyism is not entirely without merit.

The Staseos Podcast: A Candid Conversation with Abbey Sitterley
Carmen chats with New York-based Christian musician Abbey Sitterley about art and culture.

Consulting the Democracy of the Dead
The lives and writings of the church's great thinkers have already spoken to the issues we are facing today. We should listen to them.

The Staseos Podcast: Critical Race Theory Explained
Critical Race Theory is largely responsible for today's widespread confusion about race and racism.

King Louis IX is A Model Christian Leader for 2020
Anti-Christian protesters may not care about Louis IX’s biography, but the king is remarkably relevant to the modern church.

The Staseos Podcast: Loving Others in a Woke World
A much-needed conversation with Therapist Peter Anderson about how to deal with emotional manipulation and blame in today's woke world.

Spiritual Warfare: Lessons from a Champion
What can Christians learn from a fiery Catholic boxer?

Panic Over Title VII Case Could Prove More Disastrous Than Actual Decision
Ian Huyett weighs on the recent SCOTUS ruling.

Sarcastic Saints
Should Christians be sarcastic? Comedian John Branyan offers his insights.

The Road to Hell is Paved with Virtue Signaling
Perhaps the fruits of death, destruction, and endless demands might suggest that something within this “justice” movement is amiss.
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