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The Staseos Podcast: Marxism Explained
Christians should destroy Marxism. Carmen and Tim Dukeman explain why in this week's episode.
Christianity Today: Change Course or Step Aside
CT is not the publication I discovered as a young, curious Christian. Nor is it what the Church in America desperately needs.
The Mental Health Cost of Covid-19 is Just Beginning
It’s easy to clap for healthcare heroes every night in NYC. But let us not forget that there is another tragedy brewing.
The Staseos Podcast: The Great Meme War
Carmen talks with Meme War Veteran Ronald Johnson (AKA Publitarian) about the wonderful world of memes.
The Government Won't Be "Protecting Life" if it Causes a Famine
At a time when grocery stores are having trouble keeping the shelves stocked, farmers are culling animals and plowing food under as it rots.
Studying Eschatology Is Not Beneath You
Educated Christians feel that being reticent about eschatology is a mark of our sophistication.
The Atheist War Against Quantum Mechanics
The avowed purpose of the elaborate Many Worlds Interpretation is to preserve traditional atheism's materialistic dismissal of the mind.
What's Worse than Climate Change?
Addressing more serious —and verifiable—environmental concerns will address many of the biggest factors driving climate change.
COVID-19 and Christian Family Preparedness
Christians have a moral duty to practice family preparedness.
Christianity and Libertarianism: A Complete Introduction
Centralized institutional states, more than any other entity in creation, are man’s greatest attempt to make an idol of himself.
The Staseos Podcast: The New Theists Respond
Carmen chats with Dr. Liz Jackson about her recent contribution to a book titled, A New Theist Response to the New Atheists.
The Staseos Podcast: Donald Trump is Not a Christian
But you should still vote for him in 2020.
The Problem of Christian Passivity
The belief that boldness is for God alone is radically unbiblical. Now more than ever, it is time to cast it aside.
The Staseos Podcast: Enter Nick Sandmann
For this week's episode, Carmen chats with lawyer Ian Huyett about an exciting new development in the Covington Case.
On Matthew and Luke’s Contradictory Genealogies
The standard answers are not the best Christian response to the question of why the Gospel authors contradict on Jesus' family tree.
The Staseos Podcast: The Most Hated Words Jesus Ever Said
Jesus is often portrayed as non-offensive, but his words prove otherwise.
Fast Food Communion Must be Destroyed
The recent fast foodification and almost complete erasure of communion is an extremely new phenomenon unique to contemporary evangelicalism.
What Does it Mean to Love Jesus but Hate Religion?
Whether conservative or liberal, many people are worshipping their own sense of self-justification.
The Staseos Podcast: Progressive Methodists Vs. Everyone Else
In this episode, former Methodist Carmen Schober covers the United Methodist Church vote on Christian sexual ethics.
The Staseos Podcast: A God Problem?
This week Carmen chats with philosophy phenom Dr. Liz Jackson about Peter Atterton's startlingly lame article in the New York Times.
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