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Radicalized by Kavanaugh

Writer's picture: Carmen SchoberCarmen Schober

Updated: May 14, 2020

It happened in the fall of 2018. After watching the Democratic Party and its controlled media torture Brett Kavanaugh and attempt to dismantle the principle of rational due process, I became radicalized.

Before that event, I was essentially Lindsey Graham. I was a soft, squishy Republican who tried to go with the flow and make people happy. I nodded along at ill-reasoned leftist ideas regarding gender, race, and class. I pretended like I believed their virtue-signaling was sincere. I convinced myself that Democrats are generally misguided but not ill-intentioned.

Then I watched Senate Democrats put on that lie-fueled, pathos-drenched circus. I watched protesters shriek and writhe over the possibility that they might lose their right to murder their sons and daughters. I watched Matt Damon, mentee of serial rapist Harvey Weinstein, mock a broken man for laughs. I watched my liberal peers eat it up and use nonsensical hashtags about "believing all women." The same people who voted for Hillary Clinton.

As a result, I - like Lindsey Graham - snapped out of my polite stupor. I realized that the Democratic Party and those who wholeheartedly support it have no care whatsoever for "social justice" of any kind. They are driven by a psychotic form of revenge.

Consider these deleted tweets from Teen Vogue columnist Emily Lindin:

Tweet 1: “Here’s an unpopular opinion: I’m actually not at all concerned about innocent men losing their jobs over false sexual assault/harassment allegations.”

Tweet 2: “False allegations VERY rarely happen, so even bringing it up borders on a derailment tactic. It’s a microscopic risk in comparison to the issue at hand (worldwide, systemic oppression of half the population). The benefit of all of us getting to finally tell the truth + the impact on victims FAR outweigh the loss of any one man’s reputation.”

She finishes with Tweet 3: “If some innocent men’s reputations have to take a hit in the process of undoing the patriarchy, that is a price I am absolutely willing to pay."

Miss Lindin personifies the vengeful, emotion-driven attitude of so many on the left. Here are couple of important observations:

1. Mentioning that false allegations occur is not a "derailment tactic." It's a statement of fact.

2. She is advocating for destroying potentially innocent people's lives because she has animosity towards their sex [you could insert race or class or whatever else here]. That is wrong.

3. Nothing she has said deserved to be characterized as "justice."

Positions such as Lindin’s reveal the problem with “social justice” as it’s understood by many today. It’s not so much about resolving injustice as it is a hierarchy of retribution. Silence whites because whites once silenced blacks. Discredit men because they've discredited women. Vilify the rich because they vilified the poor. Do all that, and you haven't rectified injustice: you've promoted it.

I find the "Christian" version of this brand of justice even more disturbing – the idea that, because Jesus loved the marginalized, he’s automatically and unequivocally always on one side of a social conflict. Jesus also loved rich princes, respected rabbis, and flawed male disciples, among many others. Thankfully, unlike Lindin and her peers, Jesus doesn’t love women more than men. He doesn’t love one race more than another. He doesn’t love the weak more than the powerful. We should thank God for this, because it means the reverse isn’t true, either.

God has the capacity to love us equally, not giving preference to one group over another based on their chromosomes, skin color, net worth, or popularity. He has this capacity because he knows the truth about all of us, which is that we all fall short of his standards. According to him, we should be worshipful, truthful, thankful, fair-minded, and industrious in being good to one another all the time. We should be perfect. We aren’t.

That’s why we – all of us, from the most powerful to the least – need Jesus and the cross. As Paul wrote in Galatians, “in Christ’s family there can be no division into Jew and non-Jew, slave and free, male and female. Among us you are all equal. That is, we are all in a common relationship with Jesus Christ.”

Likewise, Luke writes - in Acts - that “Peter fairly exploded with his good news: 'It’s God’s own truth, nothing could be plainer: God plays no favorites! It makes no difference who you are or where you’re from – if you want God and are ready to do as he says, the door is open. The message he sent through the children of Israel – that through Jesus Christ everything is being put together again – well, he’s doing it everywhere, among everyone.'" God's message is the same to everyone: You're imperfect but you're loved, and you can be saved.

Lindin’s last tweet is the most interesting: “If some innocent men’s reputations have to take a hit in the process of undoing the patriarchy, that is a price I am absolutely willing to pay.”

Those are sad, selfish words, but they reveal a lot. Notice that she says she’s willing to “pay a price,” but, in actuality, she’s not. Instead, she’s willing to let innocent men pay the price so she can have what she thinks she wants.

We’re all like Lindin to some degree. We’re sick of the injustice we experience or perceive and we want to do something about it.

We’re also shockingly selfish. Worst of all, we’re often willing to sacrifice others for our personal agendas. Jesus offers a unique solution.

He was an innocent man who did pay a price to give us what we really need. The need for him to sacrifice his innocent life for our guilty ones drives home the fact that everyone (yes, everyone) falls short of God’s standards, and everyone (yes, everyone) is loved enough that God died for us. His justice and love were equally dispensed on the cross.

A political stance that demands you ignore or warp justice for one group in favor of another is not a justice-based political stance. If you hold such a stance, you will perpetuate more injustice. Similarly, demanding that you ignore or downplay Jesus' love for one group of people in favor of another is a disservice to Jesus. Anyone who holds such a view cannot love others the way he does.

“Returning violence for violence multiplies violence, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars... Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” Martin Luther King Jr. understood that we can’t swap one wrong for another and call it right. Unlike so many around him, he saw the difficult but worthwhile path to true justice. Today's Democrats do not.



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